16th Post-it Pack Forum
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Get ideas about what the cubs would like to do in the next term or year or camp
Post it notes
At the start of the session, ask everyone to think about things they'd like to do at cubs
Write on the paper different categories eg
-Things I'd like to do at cubs
-Things id like to do as trips
-Things we have done that I've enjoyed
-things we have done that I havent enjoyed
- things I'd like to do on camp
Blutack these sheets up around the hall, spread out
Give everyone a pen and a few post it notes
Explain the activity, and ask them to write thoughts on the post it notes anonymously and stick them by the relevant piece of paper
If they would like more post it notes they can come to a leader to get more
Give them 5-10 minutes then sit them in the middle of the hall
A leader will go around and read out some suggestions, and ask if people agree that they like or dislike the activity
The leader will collect the post it notes and fold them in the relevant piece of paper to keep them separate
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