062.C.W01.F2F - Athletics

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Athletic badge in one night


Device to play music
Tape measure
Buckets/bins - at least 1 per team
Bean bags
Large spoons
Lots of tennis balls
Optional: Scissors
Optional: String
Optional: Masking tape/board pins


Ask everyone to arrive with a drinks bottle and dressed appropriately for running and jumping (appropriate footwear such as trainers, trousers, t-shirt).
Decide whether you’ll do these activities indoors or outside. If you have the space, you could run the activities as bases, moving from one to the next.
You may want to mark out any lines or prepare any items for each of the five games before everyone arrives, to help the activity run smoothly. Alternatively, players could help set up each game before they play.
Jack and the Magic Bean Bins: mark out 1.5 and 2.5 metres in front of throwing line (keep them separate if there are enough bean bags for 2 sets per team).
Voyagers: mark two lines, about 10 metres apart.
Golden egg and spoon: measure 25 metres for the race track. If there’s not enough space to do this in a straight line, they should create a circuit or relay
Jumping frogs: Mark out a river on the floor using a groundsheet – it should be small enough to jump over, but not so small that anyone could just take a small step over it
The labyrinth/Maze: if possible have someone set this up while you’re doing the other activities, and use the chairs from the warm up

Muscle Shuffle
Device to play music

Why stretch?
Stretching in the proper way will loosen your muscles and tendons reducing the chance of injury and improving performance. This will increase flexibility and range of motion during your workout. Improved performance. Stretching beforehand increases blood flow, flexibility, and range of motion, which will in turn improve overall performance

Warm up songs/dances
Keep stepping to the beat to get heart rate up
Saturday Night Fever (neck, inner leg, arm, general warm up - side lunges, look at arm while moving)
Macarena - exaggerated (shoulders, hips - hands out to the side, hands over and out to the side, shoulders, head, across hips, hips, turn)
YMCA (exaggerate the ‘C’ to stretch sides)
Chicken dance (back - cheep, wings, butt - bend down to stretch back, clap)
Hockey cokey (arms, legs, shake out - ‘dab’ arms in, forward and reverse lunges for legs in/out)
Walk like an Egyptian (arms, back/sides, arms)

Arrange the chairs in an outward-facing circle, in a space where there’s still plenty of room to move about. Have a spot out of bounds where chairs can be stacked.
Set up an audio device and speakers somewhere out of bounds, and check that there are no stray wires or other trip hazards.
The person leading the warm-up should instruct everyone to copy them. The warm-up leaders should introduce a new dance or stretch each time the song changes.
Everyone should spread out around the circle and shake out to loosen up.
The person leading the activity should start the music. Everyone should copy the dance or stretch performed by the warm-up leaders.
At certain points, the person leading the activity should stop the music, and everyone should try to sit in a chair. Each round, they should also remove a chair from the game and stack it out of bounds.
Anyone who’s unable to sit in a chair when the music stops should:
- Join the leader for the next round
- Come up with the next dance or stretch
Could run a few rounds with all the chairs so that everyone can familiarise with a few different moves.
Everyone should keep moving throughout, whenever the music is playing. Keep going until there’s only one person remaining. That person is the winner.
Alternatively, the game could be run with a set number of chairs. Rather than removing players who are out they could work on a points system, deducting points for each round they are left without a seat.

PREP: Maze: use the chairs to line up a tunnel around the hut for later

Enchanted athletics
Split into teams of roughly the same size.

Jack and the magic bean bins
Bean bags

PREP: mark out 1.5 and 2.5 metres in front of throwing line (keep them separate if there are enough bean bags for 2 sets per team).

The person leading the game should put one bucket about 1.5 metres in front of each team, and another bucket about 2.5 metres in front of each team.
Each team should get into a line behind a pile of bean bags.
The person at the front of each line should try to throw the bean bags into the nearest bucket.
They should go to the back of the line, and the next person should have a go.
If a player manages to get the beanbag in the nearest bucket, they should try to throw the bean bags into the furthest bucket on their next turn.
Everyone should keep taking turns to throw the beanbag until everyone’s thrown it into the nearest bucket, or until it’s time to move on.

Tape measure

PREP: mark two lines, about 10 metres apart.

Everyone should line up along one of the lines.
If the person leading the game says ‘sail!’, everyone should run to the other line and back again.
If the person leading the game says ‘cyclone!’, everyone should run around the space in between the lines, in a circle.
If the person leading the game says ‘sink!’, everyone should stay where they are and squat slowly, like they’re sinking.
The person leading the game should keep calling directions until everyone has run at least six times.

The golden egg and spoon
Tennis balls
Large spoons
Tape measure

PREP: measure 25 metres for the race track. If there’s not enough space to do this in a straight line create a circuit or relay

Teams should line up behind the start line. Give each team a spoon and a tennis ball (the golden egg).
The first player should balance the golden egg on the spoon, and make their way around the track (or to the end of the space and back) without dropping the golden egg.
If a player drops the golden egg, they should stop to pick it up and put it back on their spoon. Then they should keep going.
When the player finishes a lap (or length), they should hand the egg and spoon to the next player, and sit down.
The game is over once everyone’s had a turn and is sitting down. The first team to sit down is the winner.

Jumping frogs
Lots of tennis balls
Bucket/bin per team

Mark out a river on the floor using a groundsheet – it should be small enough for everyone to jump over, but not so small that anyone could just take a small step over it.

The person leading the game should put crash mats on either side of the river, and a bucket full of tennis ball “flies” on one side of the river.
Teams should line up on the other side of the river to the buckets full of tennis ball flies. Give each team a bucket (or other container) to store their flies.
The first person in each team should run to the river and leap across it, like a frog who doesn’t want to get wet. They should collect one fly, jump back over the river, and return to their team.
The first person should put their “fly” in the team’s container, and the next person should go.
Keep playing until the person leading the game calls ‘stop’. The team that’s collected the most “flies” is the winner.

Make sure everyone’s had at least two turns before you call stop, and encourage people to try and jump further the second time.

Alternative - Team Leader Challenge
Set up the river - narrow to start with (not enough to step over).
They jump it at least twice.
Expand the river until a few fail to get over a couple of times
Those that manage it pick or are assigned “trainees” to coach on how to make the distance.
They all try again a few more times, and hopefully they at least jump further.

The labyrinth

YPs can stop and have a drink/break if you need to set this up.

PREP: if possible have someone set this up while you’re doing the other activities, and use the chairs from the warm up.

Everyone should help the person leading the game to set up a basic obstacle course.
You can use whatever you have available, for example, hula hoops to climb through or jump between, cones to go around, or tables to crawl under.
Each team should split into mice and guides.
The mice should put on blindfolds. Their guide should give them spoken instructions, to help them get across the labyrinth (the obstacle course) safely.
The first team to get all of their mice safely through the labyrinth is the winner.

Maze/cool down obstacle course
Device to play music
Optional: Scissors
Optional: String
Optional: Masking tape/board pins

YPs can stop and have a drink/break if you need to set this up.

PREP: Swap cones for groundsheet in labyrinth.

OPTIONAL: Cut lengths of string that are at least as long as the width of your meeting place. These should be pinned to pinboards, taped to surfaces and tied around the handles of obstacles on both sides of the course. Each length of string should run diagonally, vertically or horizontally to block any easy route. Each person who attempts the course should complete it without touching the string.

Someone should test out the course. Check for weak points and areas where the difficulty of the course can be adjusted.
Start the music. A slow-paced playlist should be best for a cool-down, or use the same as the warm up so they know the moves.
Everyone should line up and take turns to try and complete the course. Everyone do the movements to the songs while waiting and while doing the course where possible.
There’s no rush to complete the course, thi is the COOL DOWN.

You could have everyone attempt the course and then circle back around and do it again, until the music prepared for this session has finished or time runs out.


  • athletics

Badge Links

  • Athletics - Clothing
  • Athletics - Egg and spoon
  • Athletics - Jumping
  • Athletics - Relay
  • Athletics - Shuttle
  • Athletics - Sprint
  • Athletics - Throwing
  • Athletics - Warm up
  • Skills - Activity
  • Skills - New sport
  • Team Leader - Lead
  • Team Leader - Teach
  • Teamwork - Help
  • Teamwork - Team-building