Road Safety Badge Night

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Undertake the requirements of the Road Safety Badge


Pens, pencils, paper, quiz sheets


- Get the cubs to explore the vicinity around the hall and draw or photgraph as many different traffic signs as possible
- Ask each group to explain the meanings of the signs they found to a leader
- Whilst out looking for traffic signs ensure go through the Green Cross Code at a road crossing
- Using a quiz sheet approach - test the cubs knowledge of pedestrian crossings, car passenger behaviour & emergency telephone use
- Get the cubs to design/draw a poster to promote road safety to pedestrians or cyclists


  • cars
  • cycling
  • green cross code
  • road safety
  • traffic lights

Badge Links

  • Artist - Poster
  • Road Safety - Crossings
  • Road Safety - Green Cross Code
  • Road Safety - Passenger
  • Road Safety - Signs